Ungeschützter Oral-, Genital- oder Analsex haben extrem unterschiedliche HIV Infektions Risiken. Passiver, ungeschützter Analsex stellt unbestritten das höchste Risiko einer geschlechtsübertragenen HIV Infektion dar, gefolgt vom Vaginalsex. Bei ungeschützten Oralsex ohne Sperma- oder Menstruationsblutaufnahme ist das Risiko beim gesunden Menschen nahezu Null! Eine Untersuchung über oralen Sex unter Schwulen brachte keine HIV Übertragung zu Tage (siehe die beiden Abstracts unten). Meines Wissens ist eine HIV Infektion durch Oralverkehr noch nicht nachgewiesen worden. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass im Sperma und Mentruationsblut HI Viren gefunden wurden, wird das Risiko jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen. Insbesondere bei Infektionen oder Verletzungen im Mundbereich.
Die AIDS Hilfe will natürliches alle Risiken minimieren und schlägt deshalb generell den Kondomgebrauch vor.
Die Übertragung der Krakheit von HIV positiven Mütter auf die Babies ist möglich und liegt bei 16%, wenn die Mütter nicht chemotherapeutisch behandelt wurden. Jedoch muss mann/frau hier die Expositionsdauer und die geschluckten Mengen berücksichtigen, um Schlüsse auf Oralverkehr zu ziehen.
Zeitschrift: AIDS. 2003 Oct 17;17(15):2269-71.
Risk of HIV infection attributable to oral sex among men who have sex with men and in the population of men who have sex with men.
Page-Shafer K, Shiboski CH, Osmond DH, Dilley J, McFarland W, Shiboski SC, Klausner JD, Balls J, Greenspan D, Greenspan JS.
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
We examined HIV infection and estimated the population-attributable risk percentage (PAR%) for HIV associated fellatio among men who have sex with other men (MSM). Among 239 MSM who practised exclusively fellatio in the past 6 months, 50% had three partners, 98% unprotected; and 28% had an HIV-positive partner; no HIV was detected. PAR%, based on the number of fellatio partners, ranges from 0.10% for one partner to 0.31% for three partners. The risk of HIV attributable to fellatio is extremely low.
Zeitschrift: Ugeskr Laeger. 1989 Mar 6;151(10):613-6.
[HIV infection among homosexual and bisexual men in Denmark. Occurrence and transmission]
[Article in Danish]
Fouchard JR, Schmidt KW, Krasnik A.
In Denmark, AIDS has primarily affected men with homosexual behavior. In order to follow the occurrence and development in this group, the sero-epidemiological investigations which focus on the underlying HIV epidemic are reviewed. HIV was introduced in Denmark towards the end of the nineteen-seventies and spread rapidly in the beginning of the nineteen-eighties among promiscuous homosexual men in Copenhagen to a level in which 1/4-1/3 were found to be infected in small selected materials. From the middle of the nineteen-eighties, decreasing tendencies were observed in the numbers of homosexual and bisexual men in whom antibodies to HIV were demonstrated for the first time. Epidemiological evidence suggests that the rate of spread of HIV among homosexual men slowed down in the second half of the nineteen-eighties. In 1985, it was estimated that at least 6,000 homosexual men were infected with HIV. No investigations justify new increased estimates of the numbers of HIV-infected homo- and bisexual men in Denmark. Epidemiological data demonstrate clearly that unprotected receptive anal coitus is the main route of infection for homosexually transmitted HIV. The risk of infection appears to be much lower for the active partner in anal coitus with an HIV-infected man. No epidemiological investigations have demonstrated oral sex as the route of infection for HIV among men although this does not exclude the possibility of HIV-infection in occasional cases of oral sex.